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84th Reg't, Royal Highland Emigrants
Other Re-enacting Organizations
Halifax 84th (2nd Battalion) Facebook Group
Kings Royal Regiment of New York (Royal Yorkers)
BAR - Brigade of the American Revolution
Sources of Supply and Other interesting Stuff
Kingsley Armoury - Creators of fine reproduction edged weapons and other re-enactment gear for various periods.
Coghlin & Upton, Military Accoutrements & Historical Supplies
Townsends - Re-enacting clothing, equipment, etc.
Loyalist Arms (Source for Brown Bess Muskets)
Marstar (Source for Pedersoli Brown Bess muskets)
(This site has some good information for anyone considering joining the reenactment hobby and many good links to other suppliers and resources.
The 84th Regiment does not endorse any products sold on this site.)
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